11 September – 24 September
Dear friends,
We are all deeply saddened by the death of The Queen. Regardless of views held on the
Monarchy, for most of us, The Queen has always been there, she seemed so timeless, a figurehead for everyone, constant, an example to us of serving, and of doing one’s duty. As Head of
the Church of England, her Christian faith was a guiding force and support to her.
Our churches remain open for prayer, and quiet contemplation. Do go in and light a candle. I will
be liaising with our churchwardens and ministry team to arrange special times for us, and
members of our communities, to gather together to remember, contribute to a book of
condolence and to pray.
So many tributes have been given, expressing sorrow and thankfulness
for her reign. Some that particularly moved me were ‘She kept us in touch
with our better nature.’ ‘She was a stateswoman of unmatched dignity.’
’She was the very spirit of Great Britain.’ ‘She selflessly and calmly
embodied the continuity and unity of our country’ and ‘she had a unique
and simple power to make us happy.’
Whenever our nation was going through difficult times, during the Suez
crisis, during the ‘70s when we were described as the ‘poor man of
Europe’ The Queen was there, as that constant, calm, quiet, steadying
presence, continuing to serve and carry out her duties as she promised
she would all those years ago as a young Queen aged 25.
Our United Kingdom again is going through difficult times, and we pray for our government, and
especially for our Prime Minister, Liz Truss, who unlike so many Prime Ministers before her, will
not benefit from The Queen’s knowledge, experience, and words of wisdom. “I knew his father
and remember when……”.
And of course, we pray for The Queens family, for her son Charles as he takes on the mantle of
king, for all her children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren as they grieve for their loss.
May she rest in peace and rise in glory.
God save The King
Another edition of NewsLink will be coming out shortly detailing arrangements for this
week in our churches, leading up to the Queen’s funeral.
Upcoming Services
Sunday 11th September
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church BoA Ann/Keith B
10.00am Refresh Informal, cafe style service at St Nicholas Church Hall Roy/Pippa and music
10.00am Joint Service of Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall for South Wraxall and
Monkton Farleigh. Bernard/Gerry
Sunday 18th September
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church BoA Ann/Richard
10.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley Keith C/Pippa and music group/IT Geoff
10.00am Holy Communion for St James, South Wraxall and St Peter’s Monkton Farleigh, at St
Peter’s Monkton Farleigh Paul/KeithB
Sunday 25th September
10.30 am Refresh at Christ Church, BoA Tessa/Tricia and music group
10.00am Together in Worship. The journey of faith through the years St Nicholas, Winsley Paul/
Harold/IT Richard
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall Bernard/KeithB
10.00am Harvest Festival at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh Ann/Gerry
Sunday 2nd October
10.00am Benefice Service with Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley. Tessa/Gerry/Richard
Events and Notices
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Caroline Brydon (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
Funeral Service of Beryl Milsom at Christ Church, BoA
on Wednesday 14th September at 11.30am, followed by
cremation at Semington at 13.00. Tim taking
Funeral Service of Kathleen Davis at Christ Church at
12.00 noon on Wednesday 21st September followed by
burial at BoA Cemetery. Ann taking
Michael Cockerham
Michael was a gifted musician and played the organ
and led choirs for us for many years. His funeral will be
at All Saints’ Church, Martock on Thursday 15th
September at 3pm. Although this will be a sad and
service, his wife Jane, a former Churchwarden at St
Nicholas, welcomes those attending to wear other than
black if they prefer.
Michael will be buried at St Nicholas, but that will be a
private burial for family only.
Wedding Blessing
for Jessica Acheson and Joshua
Aldridge on Saturday 8th October at
1.00pm at St James, South Wraxall.
Tessa taking
Church Administrator
We are seeking an Administrator to support the work of our
four churches, Christ Church at BoA, St Nicholas at
Winsley, St James at South Wraxall and St Peter’s at Monkton Farleigh
20 hours per week
Monday to Friday 9.30am – 1.30pm
Salary £26k pa pro rata
For more information and a job description, please contact
Revd Ann Keating on 01225 722230
Closing date: 23 September
Wednesday 21st September at St Nicholas Church Hall, 7.30pm, starting with Fish & Chips.
Please bring your own drink (the social Club is closed on Wednesdays). Phillip Bush will
present “An evening of sea poetry and other readings”. All men in all four parishes are welcome.
Please contact Bob Williams, 01225 720188 or, if you wish
to come. Best wishes, Phillip Bush
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on Sunday 25th September. Please email any relevant
contributions to by Tuesday 20th September. You can read the full version on our
website at
If you would like an electronic version of NewsLink or require a hard copy, please email or leave
a message for Caroline at the Benefice office on 01225 865046.
Joint Churches Mothers’ Union Meeting
Regrouping for the autumn, the first meeting is on September 21st. It will be at
2.30pm in Holy Trinity church. They will be celebrating Holy Communion
followed by a talk from Jane Jones on Climate Change.
For further details contact: 01225 287786 / 07773 709971
Jill Wright – 5 The Paddock, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 1FN
Churches Together Service – 11th September
Zion Baptist Church, Conigre Hill, off Newtown, Bradford on Avon is hosting a BACT joint service
at 6pm on Sunday 11th September. Everyone is very welcome.
Dorothy House and Reflecting on Christian Hope and Peace
We are delighted to have the Chaplain of Dorothy House to
speak at our Benefice Service on the 2nd October at
St Nicholas, Winsley.He will be telling us more about Dorothy
House and reflecting on Christian hope and peace.
As time is always limited in a service, we are offering an
opportunity on Tuesday 4th October at St Nicholas Church,
led by Paul Batson, to follow up on the themes that Dave, the
Chaplain at Dorothy House raises. This will an occasion for
open conversation about how our faith shapes and informs our
understanding and experience of death and dying.
The talk will be from 10am until 12.30pm. Refreshments will be available.
Benefice Office Update
Caroline will be working her usual 20 hours per week until we appoint a new administrator. We
are very grateful to her for staying on in this particularly busy period following the Queen’s
Harvest Festival – Sunday 16th October 2022
St Nicholas Church, Winsley
Service to start at 11.00 am followed by a simple harvest
themed lunch in the Church Hall
Are you able to make soup for 8? Vegetable/Leek and Potato/Carrot
and Coriander or a Fruit crumble/Fruit tart…
If so, please contact Sue Wright on 01225 863497
If you can come, please sign up on the sheet in church. Everyone welcome, do please
invite friends and neighbours. We will decorate the church on Saturday 15th so please
leave any produce near the front of the church.
Donations of food will be delivered to The Hub
There will be no charge for lunch but any cash donations will be given to the charity
Farming Community Network which supports farmers and their families who are
struggling in any way.