
Minutes to Meeting 20th July 2022

Minutes Uploaded on July 28, 2022

Minutes 20th July 2022

Minutes of Monkton Farleigh Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall 20/07/2022  at 7.00pm


Present:  E. Warrington [Chair], B. Marlowe, R. Mcdonald, P. Adams and S. Rowe [Clerk]

Also Present: J. Kidney and C. Moorfield

  1. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest.

There were apologies from J. Spiers, A. Tucker and T. Firbank

There were no declarations of interest.


  1. Minutes of Meeting dated 8th June 2022 and Planning Meeting 28th June 2022

Approved and signed by E. Warrington. The Clerk will have issued these Minute to ensure that all Councillors have received their copy.

  1. Matters Arising
  1. Warrington has talked to the school about the parking and they are reminding parents not to park there. The zig zag lines are going to be refreshed which could help.


  1. Report Johnny Kidney

The road works on Winsley Road has started.  The official diversion goes round Staverton.  The bus will be diverted to Monkton Farleigh which will be useful.  It will just be during the school summer break.

There have been delays on recycling bin collections.  This is due to lack of staff.  The bins will be collected but maybe not on the day it is supposed to be.

There is a Childcare Act survey open to all parents of children 0-19.

There are intensive swimming courses for children over the summer which can be booked through the Wiltshire Council website.

Money has been allocated to refresh road markings and gully emptying.

£1500 has been allocated to help tackle fly tipping.  Cameras are being installed in prime places and already there have been successful prosecutions.


  1. Planning Application PL/2022/04281 Bell Cottage 31A Pinckney Green.  Single Storey Rear and Side Extension and Two Dormers.

There were no objections to this planning application.


  1. Telephone Box Renovation Update.

We now have someone who has agreed to renovate the telephone box.  He will start work in due course.


  1. Standing Orders Review

The Parish Council has read and agreed the Standing Orders


  1.     Finance

At the end of June there is £7164.95 in the account.  Money has been spent on bark chippings for Farleigh Rise play park £516, Website maintenance £378, paint for the telephone box £68.99 and the Jubilee cake £102.  We will remind Sir Charles about his contribution to the jubilee mugs.


  1.    Work for the Parish Steward

Strimming throughout the village and maybe have a go at the bridle path at Dry Arch.


  1. Parish Matters

The footpaths around the village are very overgrown.  E. Warrington to contact Cumberwell and the Cotswold Wardens about getting them cleared.

  1. Warrington has made enquiries about getting the roundabout fixed in Broadstones and is waiting for a response.

We agreed to get a quote for a notice board for Farleigh Wicke


  1. Date of Next Meeting

21st September 2022