
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting – 10th May 2023

Minutes Uploaded on May 30, 2023

MFPC Minutes 10th May 2023


on 10th May 2023 at Village Hall at 7.00pm

 Present from the Parish Council: Ele Warrington [Chair], Rachael Mcdonald, Brian Marlow, Tom Firbank, Andrew Tucker, Pauline Adams, Joy Spiers and Jane Ghali [Clerk]

Parishioner: Rachel Exley

 1)Apologies for absence and declaration of interest: Apologies from Johnny Kidney accepted. There were no declarations of interest.

 2) Minutes of meeting 29th March and 3) Matters arising

Steps up to footpath next to Church Farm – these will be mended by the Cotswold Wardens and funded by Wiltshire Council.

Road signs – JG has put message on MyWilts with photos of signs to be collected. There is a sign frame on the verge on the A363 on the opposite corner to the villa. Check all collected. Action JG

Broken wall by 1 Broadstones – Selwood housing are coming to inspect the wall on 15th June. JG to inform Fowlers (as this is at the end of their drive) Action JG

Water on lower road – JG has had comms with Iain briers, the Parish Steward. He suggested contacting Andy Cadwallader about this Action JG

Planning: Vacant site south of Monkton Farleigh; north of Pinckney Green; and east  of main road near to Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire: Consultation – PL/2023/01169 this is still under consultation

Coronation celebrations the event went well, RM asked for a £40 donation from the PC to cover some costs. Agreed by PC. Action RM and JG

Minutes accepted and signed by Chair

4) Report from Johnny Kidney – absent, apologies accepted

5) Finance – JG presented accounts. The PC received the VAT rebate on 21 April 23 for £797.56 and the Precept on 26th April for £9,500. The balance at end April is £12,583.96.

6) Football goals Broadstones  – TF didn’t receive as much information as hoped from contact. Agreed to purchase one goal post (no net) for Broadstones at a cost of approx. £179 from May get another if well used. Andy to put up once delivered. Action JG

 7) Proposals for play area Farleigh Rise – the Area Board aren’t giving grants for play equipment any longer. The local Coop may have some funding. Rachel Exley to forward into, Ele to contact them. Action EW

Discussion on also contacting Restore, Blackberries campsite, Sir Charles or applying for other grants. Will wait until we have had reply from Coop.

 8) Stiles and access to local footpaths – the Cotswold Wardens has started work on stiles and path access in the village. Wiltshire Council are funding this. Thank you to EW for sorting this out.

9) Village Fete – AT will take coronation bunting down and put back up for the fete (Sat 17th June). AT has bought another 50m. All going well with fete preparations, ads out in local magazines.

 10) Speed Limit Update – agreed that we will pay our half the legal fee, where the full amount is £2,500, for the new speed signs around the village. JG to contact Kirsty Rose to confirm that MFPC will pay £1,250. Action JG

The PC will need some estimates on what new road signs will cost for the decrease in speed limits. It is hoped that some existing posts will be able to be utilized. Costs aren’t yet available due to a change in provider from Ringway to Milestone Infrastructure.

Kirsty Rose has confirmed that the invoice for £490 for the slow sign on the road and the sign on the verge will be put on hold, until she has determined what it needed and reported back.

PA said that the signs from the Bath direction are much clearer about the upcoming junction and they are in Wiltshire land (they are positioned after the ‘Wiltshire’ sign). JG to email Kirsty Rose about this. Action JG

 11) Notice boards – JG to liaise with Neil and TF about where to place the sign on the A363 and to speak to the owners of the house near where the sign is due to be erected. Action JG and TF

 12) New code of conduct – Wiltshire Council sent a new Code of Conduct for Councillors. This has been sent to all the PC and they have signed to abide by in the AGM today. We have received an email saying that our application for and increase of councillors from seven to eight will go to the Full Council meeting on 18th July 23. If approved any changes will not take effect until the next elections in 2026.

13) Work for Parish Steward – drains in Broadstones and all down The Street, leaves at the top of The Street still need to be cleared, plus pot holes under the conker trees on the lower road.

14) Parish Matters

  • The lid has come off the bin by the bus stop opposite the pub. Need to contact Council to put back on. Action JG
  • The hinge has come off the dog poo bin near Broadstones, AT to look at all hinges on the se bins. Action AT
  • The cover has come off the manhole to the left of the Restore entrance. It has been reported, but nothing has happened. Ele to report again. Action EW
  • ‘Wiltshire and Swindon Prepared’ have asked for Emergency Community Contacts, JS, PA and BM provided phone numbers and emails. JG to send the info to them. Action JG
  • We received a thank you card from Kim the postman
  • We received some information on solar signs which tell you your speed. As Bathford have these signs, JG will contact the Parish Clerk to see if they have been happy with them. Action JG
  • AT reported that the person who had been breaking into sheds locally had been caught
  • Some hedges overgrown in Broadstones, TF to contact 1 Broadstones and EW to contact 18 Broadstones. Action TF and EW

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 12th July 7pm in Village Hall