
Minutes of Parish Council meeting 11th January 2023

Minutes Uploaded on January 18, 2023

Agenda 11th January 2023 (1)

Monkton Farleigh Parish Council


Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 7pm in the King’s Arms

Those attending: Ele Warrington (Chair) Jane Ghali (Clerk), Pauline Adams, Brian Marlow and Rachael Macdonald.

1)Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest: Apologies from Joy Spiers, Tom Firbank and Andrew Tucker.  There were no declarations of interest.

2)Minutes of Meeting 14th December 2022

Approved and signed by E. Warrington, after amendment to 7) which should have read Platinum not Diamond Jubilee. The Clerk will have issued these minutes to ensure that all Councillors have received their copy.

3)Matters arising

Play area Farleigh Rise: AT to mend bolt, JS to provide AT with wood to mend edging. Sally Rowe has swing to go up, she will give it to AT. Action AT, JS and SR

Prices of signs on road (slow traffic signs £340, paint SLOW on road £150).  JG also to check prices and to see if SLOW sign is both ways on road. Action JG

WALC meeting 18th Jan by Zoom at 6.30pm. Action: EW to attend

Jubilee poster Agreed that RM could get poster to hang in Village Hall for £25 which would commemorate our celebrations of the Platinum Jubilee. Action RM

Steps up to the footpath next to Church Farm have partially eroded. Agreed to contact Council to see if they can mend the steps. Action JG

Grit bins – new grit bins may need replenishing. JS to check them and report back to AT. One in Farleigh Rise quite empty. Action JS, JG and AT

Potholes – put extra ones in Rushmead Lane to put on Parish Steward sheet Action JG

4) Precept – after much discussions about possible costs involved in decreasing speed limits/maintenance of playgrounds and other costs, balanced with not increasing council tax significantly, it was decided to increase the Precept by 11.8% to £9,500 for 2023/24.

5) Planning Application: Field Access at Cumberwell Farm, Bath Road, Farleigh Wick, BA15 2PU : Consultation – PL/2023/00058 – No objection. JG to contact the Sharps to check they have seen this planning. Action JG

6) Report from Johnny Kidney:

  1. a) Advanced notice of night time road closure– the B3019 south of 5 ways to approx. the ponds on the S bends, will be closed from 7pm to 6am from Mon 23rd– Thurs 26th Jan incl for essential maintenance.
  2. b) Wiltshire Highways are focussing on pothole repairs, with Parish Steward focussing activity on this. Due to ongoing bad weather, in some cases repair may be temporary fix until the weather improves. More information here:
  3. c) The My Wiltshire Apphas been updated. Residents can report potholes etc on this app
  4. d) There’s a Career’s Fairfor all at the County Hall on Thurs 26thJanuary 2-6pm. Focus on a range of roles within the council, and especially care roles .You can email in advance to book interviews at
  5. e) There’s a small grants schemeof up to £10k for SENDprojects – for more info go to More information here:
  6. f) There is a new Cabinet Member for Highways, Cllr Caroline Thomas, who’s based in Marlborough. She takes over from Cllr Dr Mark McClelland who has taken on a role in Government.
  7. g) From 1stJan – 31 March you can catch a bus anywhere in the county for £2 single.More information here:

Action JG to publicise relevant info on MFPC What’s App for a) to g) and to see if there’s any relevant posters for noticeboards

7)Update on Jubilee items – BM had been looking into planting an orchard in the recreation area in Farleigh Rise for the Platinum Jubilee. General agreement in Farleigh Rise that it was a good idea but need someone to do planting. Too late to apply to Woodland Trust now as deadline closed this year, suggested putting on What’s App to see who might be interested in helping in the Autumn. Action JG

8)Coronation celebrations – RM to see what Village Hall would like to do Action RM

9)Speed limit updates – Liz Watts gave an update on the speed limit through the village. It looks as though Wiltshire Council won’t back the road out to the A363 being below 40mph, (as they have to still use the 2013 guidelines) but hoping that there is a case to go to 40mph. The police still need to back the proposals and the road will need to reassessed. Thanks given to Liz Watts and Pauline Adams for their continued work on this project.

JS to look at the possibility of a survey on the village What’s App to get more feedback for Liz about views on road speeds. Action: JS

10)Noticeboards – work is in progress.

11) Finance – £4,847.81 in act after paying Sally Rowe’s last month and Jane Ghali salary too.

12)Work for Parish Steward – hedge trimming still required between the barns and the A363 as the footpath is obstructed. Also, potholes, drains and gutters esp in Broadstones

13) Dates for next meetings – 5th April, 17th May, 28th June, 9th August, 20th September, 1st November and 13th December. Agreed meetings would be better in Village Hall. Action JG to check dates

14)Parish Matters

Litter Pick – date put in for Sunday 12th March at 10am, starting at the Village Hall.

Sign needs replacing at Farleigh Rise. Action JG

Swing – need to find out where the Broadstones swing is. Action JG

AT asked if a note could go out on the village MCPC What’s App reminding walkers and horse riders to have better high viz clothing and lights particularly at dusk when it’s hard for drivers to see pedestrians. Action JG

BM – wants to ask Faresaver bus to go up to the Rise. Ask Johnny Kidney at next meeting.

15)Date of next meeting – 7pm Wednesday 22nd February at the Village Hall