25 September – 8 October
Dear friends
Many people commented on the amazing singing during our last Benefice Service! And they were
right – people were singing out their praise to God and it was full of joy! We are all different, and
moved by different things, perhaps the peacefulness of our countryside, the wonder
experienced at a clear sky, strewn with stars. But I think for many of us, there is something about
the ability of music that helps us express our deepest hopes and fears.
Those of you who listen to Thought for the Day will know of The Revd Lucy Winkett, the Rector of
St James’s, Piccadilly. She spoke recently about how music nourishes and waters her often too
fragile faith, and she wrote the following:
‘Over the summer, as one of our congregation was singing during the eucharist, I found myself at
the altar not sure that I could go on. All the pandemic fear of sickness and sleeplessness about
money, all the reassurance that I tried to give, and the un-anxious leadership that I attempted to
exercise while feeling exactly the opposite and wanting half the time to run away – all this was
somehow given expression in the “nevertheless” theology that I often find so helpful, hidden in
the traditional words of the classic song that she sang.
Times are so hard for so many. Existential anxiety about environmental overheating mixes with
fuel poverty and fear of the coming cold. It is not difficult for a hopelessness and helplessness to
settle, as the polarised and combative political discourse seems never to end, and promised
solutions seem never to land.’
But she goes on to say that the life of a parish – curious, complex, challenging, and bemusing as
it is – ensures that she must return to the altar where all this fractiousness and fear is laid down,
and through the song sung, realise once again that we are reassured that ‘It is well, it is well with
my soul’.
Lucy’s words prompted me to say a huge ‘thank you’ to our musicians – our organists and all
who play in our music groups. The music you make has a profound influence. It has the power to
move us, excite us, calm us, challenge us, reassure us. It has the power to bring us back to the
heart of worship, so we too can sing, ‘it is well, it is well with my soul.’
May all be well with you, and may God bless you in the weeks to come.
Ann, Rector
Upcoming Services
Sunday 25th September
10.30 am Refresh at Christ Church, BoA Tessa/Tricia and music group
10.00am Together in Worship. The journey of faith through the years St Nicholas, Winsley Paul/
Karl/ IT Richard
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall Bernard/tbc
10.00am Harvest Festival at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh Ann/Gerry
Sunday 2nd October
10.00am Benefice Service with Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley. Tessa/Gerry/Richard.
Dave Smith, Chaplain at Dorothy House, will be guest speaker. See page 3 for more information
Wednesday 5th October
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon. Keith C
Sunday 9th October
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh, joint with St James, South Wraxall.
10.00am Refresh at St Nicholas, Winsley. Keith C/Pippa and Music Group
10.30am Harvest Festival with Holy Communion at Christ Church, BoA. Tessa/Keith B
3.00pm-4.00pm Forest Church at St Nicholas, Winsley. Tessa/Zoe. See poster on page 4
Sunday 16th October
10.00am Holy Communion Service at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh. Paul/Keith B
10.00am Harvest Festival Service at St James, South Wraxall. Bernard/Gerry
11.00am Harvest Festival Service at St Nicholas, Winsley. Note change in time. Ann/Pippa and
Music group. Followed by a simple lunch at 12 noon in the church hall. See poster on page 3
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon. Tim/Richard
Tuesday, 18th October
7.30pm Healing Service for St Luke’s Day at St Nicholas, Winsley. Paul. This will be a quiet,
reflective service in which there will be an opportunity for the laying of hands and anointing for
healing. You may wish to attend for yourself or on behalf of somebody else. All are welcome.
Please contact Paul Batson if you have any queries.
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Caroline Brydon (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
Weddings and Baptisms
Wedding Blessing of Joshua Aldridge
and Jessica Acheson at 1pm on Saturday
8th October at St James, South Wraxall.
Tessa taking
Wedding of Daniel Bamford and Amy Ford at 2pm on
Saturday 22nd October at St James, South Wraxall.
Paul taking
Baptism at 3pm on Sunday 25th September at St
Nicholas, Winsley. Tessa taking
Baptism at 12.30pm on Sunday 2nd October at St
James, South Wraxall. Tessa taking
Baptism at 12 noon on Sunday, 9th October at St
Peter’s Church, Monkton Farleigh. Ann taking
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on Sunday 9th
October. Please email any relevant contributions to by Tuesday 4th October.
You can read the full version on our website at
Remembering her late Majesty The Queen
It was so important that we were able to keep our churches
open during the day for people to pop in and spend some
quiet time, light a candle and sign the book or pages of
condolence after the Queen’s death. Our services last
Sunday were greatly appreciated by all those who attended.
The books of condolence are now closed. Thank you to all
who contributed.
Linds Batson
Dorothy House and Reflecting on Christian Hope
and Peace
A reminder that we have Dave Smith, the Chaplain of
Dorothy House at our Benefice Service on the 2nd October at
St Nicholas. He will be telling us more about Dorothy House
and reflecting on Christian hope and peace.
Then on Tuesday 4th October at 10am till 12.30pm at St
Nicholas Church, Revd Paul Batson will lead a conversation to follow up on the themes that are
raised at the Benefice service. This will an occasion for open conversation about how our faith
shapes and informs our understanding and experience of death and dying. Refreshments will be
available. All welcome! Paul Batson
Harvest Festival at Christ Church, BoA
…will be on Sunday 9th October at 10.30am when we will
celebrate the Eucharist and afterwards share the harvest loaf
with our refreshments. All harvest donations will be given to
The Hub – if you would like to donate there is a list of items
suggested by The Hub on the blue board at the back of
Many thanks
Stephen Pike
Breakfast in South Wraxall Village Hall – Sunday, 9th
October from 9am
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer and the leaves are beginning to fall – it must
be time to welcome you all back to another Village Breakfast in South Wraxall! We will be serving all the
usual fare: a full English Breakfast, fruit juice, tea and coffee, toast and, of course, Marian’s marvellous
Do come and enjoy fantastic food and good company in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, from 9am
onwards. All proceeds will go towards the upkeep of St James’s Church,
so you are asked to be as generous as possible. We look forward to
seeing you again or meeting you for the first time. All welcome! Jean Atkin
Harvest Festival
Sunday 16th October at
St Nicholas Church, Winsley
Service to start at 11.00 am followed by a
simple harvest themed lunch in the Church
Are you able to make soup for 8? Vegetable/Leek and Potato/Carrot and Coriander or a Fruit crumble/Fruit tart…If so, please contact Sue Wright on
01225 863497
If you can come, please sign up on the sheet in church. Everyone welcome, do please
invite friends and neighbours. We will decorate the church on Saturday 15th so please
leave any produce near the front of the church.
Donations of food will be delivered to The Hub
There will be no charge for lunch but any cash donations will be given to the charity
Farming Community Network which supports farmers and their families who are
struggling in any way. Ann
The Hub
You are warmly welcomed to the Hub@BA15 Annual General Meeting on Thursday 20th
October. The meeting will be held at the United Church St Margaret’s Street, Bradford on Avon
BA15 1DD.
Hot drinks and cake will be available before the meeting starts at 7pm where the speaker will be
the team leader and project coordinator – Louis Shortall from the Rough Sleepers team based
at the housing department at Wiltshire Council. Please contact Avril Clarke on 01225 920748
(10-1pm) with any queries. All welcome.
Holiday Club
If there is anyone would like to get
involved in the next Holiday Club,
probably on Thursday 27th October,
either on the morning or in advance, please
get in touch with Zoe,
More info to follow.
Many thanks! Zoe