NewsLink 20 November 2022 final[13272] (1) – Copy
20 November – 3 December
Dear friends,
Advent, the beginning of the church’s year. A time of preparation, looking toward the coming of
the light of the world. A time of watching and waiting amidst the bustle and busyness of Christmas
preparations. After another year that has brought its fair share of confusion, and pain, the church
begins a new cycle of faith, hope and love. Below are some suggested resources for personal or
group use, and opportunities to gather and discuss.
Sleepers Wake: Getting serious about Climate Change
This is written by our former Bishop, Nicholas Holtam and is the Archbishop of
York’s Advent Book for 2022. There are biblical reflections, prayers, poems, paintings and suggested music. Plus, Nicholas was the lead bishop on the Environment
so knows the climate science, economics and the structures of governance. This is
a serious book, an urgent wake-up call to action with questions ideal for discuss
and individual reflection. What does the Lord require of us? Cost between £8.65
and £10.99
The first advent in Palestine
Trusted scholar and community organizer Kelley Nikondeha takes us back, to where the landscape of Palestine is once again the geographic, socioeconomic, and political
backdrop for the Advent story. Reading the Advent narratives of Luke and Matthew anew, in their original context, changes so much about how we see the true
story of resistance, abusive rulers and systems of oppression and God coming to
earth. We bear witness to the economic hardship of Nazareth, Bethlehem, and the
many villages in between–concerns about daily bread, crushing debt, land loss,
and dispossession that ring a familiar echo to our modern ears. Throughout her
explorations, Nikondeha features the stories of modern-day Palestinians, centring
their voices to help us meet an Advent recognizable for today. This thoughtprovoking examination invites us into a season of discovery, one that is hopeful,
realistic and honest, and that still wonders at the goodness of God’s grace. Cost £15.99
Advent Calendars
If you are looking for Christian/ethical Advent Calendars this year, here are links to ones which
may be suitable. The Real Advent Calendar is available through
Traidcraft. A colourful Chocolate Advent Calendar with a lovely
booklet telling the Nativity Story. Traidcraft also stock other
Fairtrade Advent Calendars.
Winsley’s Pippa Tate can order these for you. She needs orders by 20th November. Her contact
details are: Tel: 07891 697996 or email
Leprosy Mission:
cards/david-s-city-advent-calendar £4.95 each
Embrace the Middle East: This excellent organisation has a
range of Advent Calendars. There is one priced at £12.99 which
raises money and awareness for Syrian Refugees. Take a look
at their website.
Wishing you a very blessed Advent, with time to reflect, watch and wait.
Ann, Rector
Upcoming Services
Sunday 20th November
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh joint with South Wraxall. Ann/Gerry
10.00am Refresh at St Nicholas, Winsley. Cedric and Penny Pierce. Pippa and the music group
10.30am Refresh at Christ Church, BoA. Keith C/Tricia and the music group
3pm-4pm Forest Church at St James Churchyard, South Wraxall. Theme is Birds. Tessa/Zoe
Sunday, 27th November – ADVENT SUNDAY
10am Holy Communion Service at St Peter’s. Monkton Farleigh. Keith C./Gerry
10am Holy Communion Service at St James, South Wraxall. Paul /Keith B
10am Holy Communion Service at St Nicholas, Winsley. Tessa /Pippa and the music group/IT
10.30am Holy Communion Service at Christ Church, Bradford-on-Avon. Ann/Richard
Wednesday, 30th November
6pm Compline Service at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh. Tessa
Sunday, 4th December
10.30am Benefice Service with Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford-on-Avon. Ann/Gerry
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Bridge Duncombe (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
Baptism on Sunday 20th November
at 1pm at Christ Church, BoA. Keith
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on Sunday 4th
December. Please email any relevant contributions to
the Benefice Office at by
9.30am Tuesday 29th November.
You can read the full version on our website at
Living with Dying
Wednesday 23rd November 10am – 12.30.
St Nicholas Church, Winsley
There was a request for a follow up meeting to our
October discussion and this is being held on Wednesday morning (23rd) and again led by Rev Paul and Rev
Tessa – All Welcome – come for as long as you can,
there will be a coffee/tea break and scrumptious
biscuits. Paul Batson
Benefice Office Update
This is my last NewsLink (co-produced with Bridge) as I
finish at the Benefice Office on Friday 18th November
and hand over to Bridge Duncombe, who some of you
have met already and know from Winsley. I have enjoyed working with all our churches and look forward to
continuing to support the Benefice events locally. I know
that Bridge is looking forward to getting to know you all
and working with everyone. Caroline and Bridge
Fundraising Coffee Morning for St Nicholas Church
Wednesday 30th November, 10am – Midday
Fundraising Coffee Morning to help fund an induction loop and PA for the church hall as well as
a new projector. Any surplus will go to the general funds. There will be coffee, cake and biscuits,
a raffle (prize is a small Christmas hamper) and tables to rent for sale of work and other small
items in good condition. We hope to see you there. For more information or to book a table
please contact Heather Hawkings on 01225 684908 or
Cedric Pierce
The Nativity
Join Revd Ann and Revd Tessa in watching and discussing the BBC Film: The Nativity. We will
watch the first part of the film together, break for coffee, then discuss.
Thursday evenings from 7.00 – 9.00 pm
St Nicholas Church on Thursday 8th December and Thursday 15th December.
Salvation Army’s Appeal for Christmas Presents
In South Wraxall, for the last few years, it has been the custom to support the
Salvation Army’s appeal for children’s presents. These are for children from 0-
18 years and need to be new, unwrapped donations.
There will be a box in St James’s Church porch, alongside our Christmas Crib,
for your gifts from Sunday 27th November until Sunday 4th December. We will
be very grateful for all your offerings. Valentine Thornhill
Christmas Cards for Christ Church
Christ Church are selling Christmas Cards this year to help raise money for the Building Project.
These will be available at the Benefice Service at Christ Church on 4th December. The cards
show the Nativity Scene that we had in the South Porch last year, and the price is £5.00 for a
pack of 10.
If you would like to buy some before that please contact Hilary Pike, Church Warden.
Living in Love and Faith
The College of Bishops met for three days to discuss the Living in Love and Faith Process. The
College includes all bishops. We were pleased by the level of engagement, grace and honest
discussion from everyone present. Working in groups, we were able to express hopes and concerns in a context of prayer and fellowship. The Eucharist was celebrated each day. Much time
was spent reflecting on passages from scripture which included:
Philippians 2.1-11 ‘in humility regard others as better than yourselves’
Matthew 5.1-12 The Beatitudes in Matthew
Isaiah 35. 1-10 ‘They shall see the glory of the Lord’
Luke 9.18-27 ‘Who do the crowds say that I am?’
Luke 6.20-31 The Beatitudes in Luke
Luke 10.38-42 Mary and Martha
Isaiah 55.1-13 ‘Seek the Lord while he may be found’
Luke 24. 13-35 The Road to Emmaus
We commend these passages for your reflection and prayer over the next few months as we
continue to reflect and pray ourselves. The College will meet again in December (after further
work has been undertaken on various options and the nature of our offering to the whole
Church) and then again in January. Bishops Stephen, Karen and Andrew
MEN’S NIGHT, Wednesday 7th December 2022 at 7.30pm in St
Nicholas Church Hall, Winsley
(postponed from November)
In 1916, the Germans and the French locked horns in the North East corner of France, at Verdun. This was a battle with devastating consequences for both sides. In theory, the French won;
but at what cost?
Supper will be a selection of Domino’s pizzas, with salad (bring your own drink).
Please book with Paul Billingham as soon as possible; ( or 01225 722229)
Volunteers and donations requested for this ADVENT TEA. Please contact Zoe as soon as
possible if you can help in any way.