
Minutes to Jubilee Meeting

Minutes Uploaded on April 25, 2022

Minutes Jubilee Planning Meeting

Minutes of Monkton Farleigh Parish Council Meeting in the Kings Arms 14/04/2022 at 7.00pm

Present: J. Spiers [Co-Chair], A. Tucker, R. Mcdonald, P. Adams and S Rowe [clerk]



  1. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest

There were apologies from B. Marlowe and E. Warrington

  1. Planning the Jubilee Picnic

There was a general discussion about the arrangements for the Jubilee Picnic.

It was agreed that it would start at 1.00pm and finish at 4.00.

It was agreed that we hire a Portaloo. J. Spiers will investigate.

There could be some activities – Make your own crown, a rounders match, wife carrying?

It was agreed to get a group photo.  R. Mcdonald will investigate photographers.

There should be bunting and a cake.  S. Rowe will investigate.

Nearer the time flyers will be delivered door to door.  S. Rowe will print.

  1. Any Other Business

Planning Application FERN COTTAGE, 74-75, MONKTON FARLEIGH, BRADFORD ON AVON, BA15 2QJ: Consultation – PL/2022/02923 – there were no objections.

The Parish Council printer is not working very well it was agreed that the clerk should get a new one.