
Minutes of Parish Council meeting 29th March 2023

Minutes Uploaded on March 31, 2023

MFPC – Minutes 29 March 2023


Monkton Farleigh Parish Council


Wednesday 29th March 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall

Those attending: Ele Warrington (Chair) Jane Ghali (Clerk), Pauline Adams, Brian Marlow, Rachael Macdonald, Tom Firbank, Andrew Tucker

Parishioners: Rachel and Colin Exley

1) Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest: Apologies from Joy Spiers. There were no declarations of interest.

2) Minutes of Meeting 22 February and 8th March 2022

Approved and signed by E. Warrington. The Clerk will have issued these minutes to ensure that all Councillors have received their copy. 

3) Matters arising

Jubilee poster RM has done this and it’s in the village hall, thanks to RM

Steps up to the footpath next to Church Farm have partially eroded, Cotswold Wardens are due to look at this. AT to ask Dave Badder if he could fix it. Action AT

Presentation to Kim the postman – lots of people attended this event, thanks to RM for organising his gift and the event which was very well received.

Road signs – the Council said they would collect any road signs that had been left around the village following the village litter pick. AT to see if he has any that he has collected in his yard. JG to ask Council to collect ones on corner opposite pub and behind the bus shelter at Farleigh Rise. Action AT and JG

Broken wall by 1 Broadstones – Selwood Housing to be reminded to repair this. Action JG

4) Village Fete – Sat 17th June 2-5pm – more people needed to help, Brian to put fliers around Farleigh Rise. Action BM

 5) Water on lower road – AT explained that water couldn’t be controlled. JG to see if Parish Steward can consider options to stop road being washed away. Action JG

6) Planning: Vacant site south of Monkton Farleigh; north of Pinckney Green; and east of main road near to Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire: Consultation – PL/2023/01169. After much discussion it was decided to object to the planning as it was thought that the large barn, along with the extra parking, would change the open character of the green belt. The size of the barn and the fact that it hadn’t been made clear what other activities would take place in this barn, were also considerations.

Concerns were also raised that there was no notice regarding the planning application on the road and therefore local residents were unlikely to have had the opportunity to consider the application. Johnny Kidney will also raise the point with the Planning Officer that a notice was not put on the road about the planning. Action JG

7) Report from Johnny Kidney:

  1. a) From 1st April Milestone Infrastructure took over the contract from Ringway. Their agreement lasts for 5 years. It is hoped that they will keep on the current Parish Stewards.
  2. b) A household support fund from the DWP of £5.4 m has been granted. Further information to follow on how this will be used to help with the cost-of-living crisis. Wiltshire Council also has a range of cost-of-living advice and support, and this can be found at
  3. c) Fostering – Wiltshire Council is looking for 30 more foster carers. Payment is given, carers need to be over 21 and have a spare room. For more information, visit Fostering Wiltshire email, call 0800 169 6321 or text the word Foster to 60002.

d)Catch a bus anywhere in the county for £2 single has been extended to end June as it proved to be very popular

  1. e) Recycling – Let’s sort it – more work is being done to try and stop contamination of blue bins. More information can be found at:
  2. f) BoA TC have finally agreed to part-fund the modelling required to inform a permanent solution for the town’s traffic problems.

Action JG to publicise relevant info on MFPC What’s App

8) Football posts – Matt Midlane provided some options and suggestions for a football post in Broadstones. It was though a metal one would be more durable at a non full size 12ft x 6ft. It needs to be removable for mowing but solid enough not to be pulled over by the children. Tom has friend who is chair of B on A Town Youth, he will ask her for advice. Action TF

9) New play equipment Farleigh Rise – options for new play equipment in Farleigh Rise have been forwarded on email from DBD play. Councillors to re look at this and JG to look at grant option from the area board. Action All

10) Tree planting in Farleigh Rise – BM reported that although residents of the Rise were keen in principle to have more trees, that unfortunately there wasn’t much support for planting and looking after the saplings going forward. Some discussion if there was anywhere else suitable in the village. BM thanked for his efforts with this project.

11) Coronation celebrations – the Church will ring the bells and hold a service from 10-11am on Sunday 7th May. This will be followed by a Coronation Bring and Share Tea at the Village Hall from 3-5pm, with crown decorating for children.

12) Speed limit updates – a sign has been erected on the A363, but it was thought to be less than required. Although it does say Reduce Speed Now, the size of the sign is not helpful to warn traffic to slow down for traffic turning right. The emphasis of the sign is to slow down for the bend rather than traffic turning right. Jane to contact Kirsty Rose and Pauline to bring up at next LHFIG meeting. The SLOW painting on the road is unlikely to happen before the summer. Action JG and PA

13) Noticeboards – AT has collected the boards from Steve Caplin, Neil hasn’t been yet to look at them. Steve Caplin has received £40 for acid and oil to do some maintenance work on existing boards and £9 to replace locks with a lever opening in Broadstones and Pinckney Green.

14) Finance – JG presented finances there is currently £2,735.83 in the account to 27th March 2023.

15) Work for Parish Steward – JG to contact to get view on how to sort out water washing the road away on the lower road. Also, to ask if rotten leaves can be cleared under the cars and in gutter at top of The Street.

16) Parish Matters – Nothing to report

17) Date of next meeting – 7pm Wednesday 10th May at the Village Hall. This will be the AGM.