
Minutes of Parish Council meeting 14th December 2022

Minutes Uploaded on January 6, 2023

MFPC – Minutes 14 Dec 2022



Monkton Farleigh Parish Council


Wednesday 14th December 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall



Those attending: Joy Spiers (acting Chair) Jane Ghali (Clerk), Pauline Adams, Andrew Tucker, Sally Rowe and Rachael Macdonald.

1)Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest : There were apologies from Eleanor Warrington (Chair), Johnny Kidney, Tom Firbank and Brian Marlow.  There were no declarations of interest.

2)Minutes of Meeting 2nd November 2022

Approved and signed by J. Spiers. The Clerk will have issued these minutes to ensure that all Councillors have received their copy.


3)Matters arising

Coffee morning: RM said they have enough funds for the moment as many people are kindly making soup for free. The £100 donation has been agreed and will be claimed when necessary.

Play area in Farleigh Rise: AT to mend bolt, JS to provide AT with wood to mend edging. SR has swing to go up, she will give it to AT. Action AT, JS and SR

The Parish Steward has been doing leaves, SR has bought him a couple of bottles of wine as a thank you from the PC.

JG to contact Kirsty Rose to check prices of signs (slow traffic signs £340, paint SLOW on road £150).  JG also to check if SLOW sign is both ways on road. Action JG


4)WALC meeting 18th Jan by Zoom at 6.30pm. Action: JS to see if EW can attend.


5)Noise from Restore – SR received an email from Wayne Farell of Farleigh Rise regarding the increased early morning noise levels form Restore and speeding of employees through the lanes as they arrive and depart. AT contacted Andy Weston from Restore who has said they will do any loading in the evening where possible and ask staff to be mindful of noise levels early in the morning.


6)Precept – It was agreed to have a meeting before the 18th Jan to discuss the Precept when more Parish Councillors were in attendance.


7)Update on Jubilee items – BM had been looking into planting an orchard in Farleigh Rise, will ask him for update at next meeting. Agreed that RM could get poster to hang in Village Hall for £25 which would commemorate our celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee. Action RM


8)Coronation celebrations – some discussion on what and when would be feasible. Agreed that the PC would try and get a feel about how villagers would like to celebrate. JS to make appt to see Sir Charles to discuss what might be feasible on Sunday 7th May. Action: All


9)Parking outside the school – EW followed up with 101. Concluded that owners of vehicles should not be approached regarding inappropriate parking. Where possible take photo evidence and report online to 101.


10)Speed limit updates – Liz Watts gave a detailed update on the speed limit through the village. She is also meeting with Johnny Kidney. The PC agreed that they will support an appeal about the Atkins report. There was some discussion as to how costly signs would be if the new speed limits were bought in, but it was not thought that it would affect Precept decisions this year. JS to look at the possibility of a survey on the village What’s App to get more feedback for Liz about views on road speeds. Action: JS


11)Noticeboards – Steven Calpin has been paid £1000 towards the noticeboards and work is in progress.


12)New clerk and handing over – many thanks to SR for time spent with JG handing over. Agreed that SR will be paid the money owing for the increase in salary backdated from April 22.


13)Finance – £5,296.57 in act after paying £1000 to Steve Caplin at first payment for noticeboards. Received payment for jubilee mug from Sir Charles.


14)Work for Parish Steward – hedge trimming still required between the barns and the A363 as the footpath is obstructed. Leaves on pavements and gutters. The steps up to the footpath next to Church Farm have partially eroded, JG to check with Stoddarts who owns the land.  Action JG


15)Parish Matters – street light outside Old Rectory was obstructed, these trees have now been trimmed.

Grit bins – new grit bins may need replenishing. JS to check them and report back to AT. Action JS

AT asked if a note could go out on the village MCPC What’s App reminding walkers and horse riders to have better high viz clothing and lights particularly at dusk when it’s hard for drivers to see pedestrians. Action JG

Dark Skies survey survey – deadline now missed for completing this – but some discussion onto pros and cons of timing of street lights going off in the middle of the night. Put on agenda for next meeting Action  JG

Item raised by Colin Exley as to who might have filled in potholes under conker trees in bottom lane. Action JG

Dates of meetings for 2023. Action JG

BM – wants to ask Faresaver bus to go up to the Rise. Ask Johnny Kidney at next meeting.



16)Date of next meeting – Wednesday 11th January at the King’s Arms to discuss Precept before 18th Jan deadline.


Proposed dates for 2023 for discussion at next meeting:


All Wednesdays every 6 weeks

22nd February

5th April

17th May

28th June

9th August

20th September

1st November

13th December