
Minutes 2nd March 2022

Minutes Uploaded on March 5, 2022

Minutes of Monkton Fahairrleigh Parish Council Meeting in the Kings Arms 26/01/2022  at 7.00pm

Present: J. Spiers [Co-Chair] E. Warrington [Co-Chair], B. Marlowe, R. Mcdonald, and P. Adams

Also Present: Liz Watts

  1. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest.

There were apologies from A. Tucker and S. Rowe, clerk. (Minutes taken by R. Mcdonald)

There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Minutes of Meeting dated 26/01/2022

Approved and signed by J. Spiers.  The Clerk will have issued these Minute to ensure that all Councillors have received their copy.

  1. Matters Arising
    1. Defibrillator at Farleigh Rise – waiting for electrician to come and connect it.
    2. Village Hall parking issues – actions are being taken.
    3. Wall behind no. 1 Broadstones – clerk had sent out information recently.
  2. Report from Johnny Kidney has been sent out to all councillors by email.
  3. Planning Application PL/2022/00923 – there were no objections.
  4. The Atkins Report and next steps

Liz Watts has spent more time analysing the reports. She gave us details and this has raised even more questions.  We are still awaiting the raw data and the locations of the metro counters. Johnny Kidney to be asked to pursue this for us.     Action: Sally

Kirsty Rose has been contacted and we are waiting for a date to be set for a meeting.

We have not paid our contribution to the cost yet and are waiting for the issues to be resolved before we do this.

Liz was thanked for all her work on this.

  1. The Queen’s Jubilee Commemoration Plans, Tree Planting and possible WALC funding.

Plans are progressing for a village picnic on Saturday 4th June and a photo.

Tree planting a grant is to be applied for with a view to planting in the autumn. Action: Brian

Wiltshire Council have informed us that if we plant on public land we will be responsible for the care of the trees and the immediate land surrounding them.

The school and church have been contacted and in principle are interested in joining in.

  1. Spring Clean Litter Pick Sunday 13th March at 9.30 am

Leaflets were given out for distribution and it will be put out on WhatsApp.

Bags will need to be collected and brought to hall. Andy to be asked if he could do this

Action: Joy/Ele

Refreshments at the end of the litter pick – volunteers to be asked for via WhatsApp.  Action: Ele

  1. Review of Complaints policy – agreed.
  2. Website Update – we have been advised by our website provider that due to the current political situation we should be careful that we are not hacked. We have as much security as we can.
  3. Impact Community Carbon Calculator – Brian had looked at this.  To be brought to the next meeting and in the meantime, Johnny Kidney to be asked if he could attend and explain how to use it and what we can do about it. Action: Sally
  4. Finance

There is currently £3351.97 in the account.  In February we paid £238.80 to update the website.

  1. Work for the Parish Steward

Drains at the top of Broadstones need clearing

Cut down greenery around the Broadstones bus shelter

Opposite the entrance to Bays Farm there is still glass on the pavement from the accident when the tree fell.

  1. Parish Matters

Cave tours are being given by individuals which are causing some concern. This is under the Avon & Somerset jurisdiction, but if you hear anything about this, please inform Joy.

Joy is stepping down as co-chair due to work pressure; Ele will continue as chair.

  1. Date of next meeting and date of Parish Meeting and AGM

Wednesday 27th April, 7pm at the Kings Arms.