
Chair’s Report 2022/23

Minutes Uploaded on May 30, 2023

Chair report MFPC AGM 10th May 2023

Chair report for Monkton Farleigh Parish Council 2023

It has been another busy and productive year for the Parish Council. I have had the pleasure to have remained as chair for another year, supported well by our hard working councillors. This year we said goodbye to our long serving Parish Clerk, Sally Rowe, and welcomed our new clerk- Jane Ghali. Jane is doing great work and is a valuable resource for the council.


We held our spring litter pick again, with fantastic support from our local villagers. We collected a huge amount, including bits of cars, paint and wine bottles! This continues to be a highly valued day and we are keen to continue to support it


The work on speed limits in the village continues. Liz Watts, local resident, has been instrumental in continuing to support the Parish Council in this and we are grateful for the time and effort she has put in. We have also liaised closely with residents and local businesses to help ensure that parking by the school remains safe and legal. This has now improved, and we continue to monitor.


The Parish Council continues to support local playgrounds. WE are ensuring that ground work is maintained (bark chippings) as well as exploring options and possibilities for future playgrounds and equipment


The Parish Council were keen to support the local jubilee celebrations that were hosted by Sir Charles Hobhouse. We contributed towards a keepsake for the local children and a fun (if soggy) time was had by all! The coronation of Charles the third resulted in a celebration in the village hall which the council supported financially. Bunting was in place and really contributed to the celebratory feel!


As well as supporting celebrations, the Parish Council has renewed a number of noticeboards in the Parish- these are ready to be put in place and will make a real difference to the village. Work on the phone box will commence soon. We have also contributed to the coffee morning find- an important social event in the village


Father Christmas and his jolly elves joined us again on Christmas Eve on his sleigh and singing as he went. This has proved to be so popular and is one of the good things that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic. We originally introduced this as a way of the village keeping in touch during isolation and people really appreciated it at the time


I would like to extend a huge thank you to Joy, Andy, Brian, Racheal, Pauline and Tom for their hard work in helping keep Monkton Farleigh a beautiful and well cared for village. A special thanks goes to our wonderful Parish Clerk, Jane. She is new in the role and is already proving a valuable and knowledgeable resource for our council

Looking forward to 2023/24 there are a few projects that the Parish Council is keen on working on and it is already proving to be a busy and fruitful year.