
New Defibrillator at Farleigh Rise

Monkton Farleigh Parish Council would like to remind all residents we now have a Defibrillator adjacent to lamppost 22, Farleigh Rise. It has already been registered with the NHS and if anyone has...

Community Policing

CPT parish magazines [caption id="attachment_1936" align="aligncenter" width="1810"] A photo of two police officers advertising how to find out which Community Policing Team covers your area of...

Monkton Farleigh Spring Clean

Can you spare some time to help pick up the litter around the village?  Come along on Sunday 13th March at 9.30.  You will be provided with litter picking equipment, high-viz jackets and gloves...

Cat Neutering Campaign 2022

Your local branch of Cats Protection, Frome and District Branch, is offering, for a limited period only, to pay a significant proportion, if not all, of the cost of neutering cats and kittens to...