29 May — 11 June 2022
Dear friends
Being on the panel of ‘Ask the Rev’ at the men and women’s group in Winsley on
Wednesday has made me think again about some of the writers that have challenged me.
One is the writer Brian McLaren who has spent decades thinking about change in the
church and why so many resist it. Here he summarizes what often happens to our
religious institutions once they lose their original purpose:
“The pattern is predictable. Founders are typically generous, visionary, bold, and creative, but the
religions that ostensibly carry on their work often become the opposite: constricted, changeaverse, nostalgic, fearful, obsessed with boundary maintenance, turf battles, and money.
They no longer greet the world with open arms as their founders did, they hoard power rather
than empowering others, they no longer defy tradition and imagine a new way, but impose
tradition and refuse to think outside the lines. A religion that cuts itself off from the example of its
founder while still bearing the founder’s name often becomes little more than a chaplaincy for
other ideologies, offering its services to the highest bidder. No wonder so many religious folks
today wear down, burn out, and opt out. And no wonder more and more of us who are Christians
by birth, by choice, or both find ourselves shaking our heads and asking, “What happened to
Christianity? What happened to Jesus and his beautiful message?”
Minister, entrepreneur, and author Cameron Trimble sees the decline of church
structures as an opportunity to ask questions that matter, to rediscover and renew our
“What is church really about? It’s a community with a shared story in our scriptures, which binds
us together. Church is about weaving relationships together so that life for all of us is more deeply
rooted in Love. Today, I would offer that the church also offers a platform to work together to build
a world that acts and advocates for the common good of all of us. We are warriors, lovers,
peacemakers, protectors, prophets, thinkers, and dreamers who gather together to celebrate our
heritage as children of God. At the same time, we are fearlessly willing to stand up and stand in
for those our culture might oppress. When we live consciously aware of our power to shape our
world for good, we live lives of meaning. We are our own most fully human and fully sacred
expressions. We are whole….
We have an opportunity now for transformation. We can approach this time as survivors,
desperately clinging to our structures and ways of being. Or we can see ourselves as pioneers,
setting out in the face of the unknown to discover new ways to live faith-filled lives. The inevitable
decline of our structures gives us the chance to let go of what might hold us back from that
adventure. Nothing today will be the same ten years from now. Why not architect the kind of faith
movement we want to see twenty-to-fifty years from now? What do we have to lose? “
Ann, Rector
Upcoming Services
Sunday, 29th May
10.00am A Benefice Service for Ascension with Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall
Ann & Tessa/Keith B
Wednesday, 1st June
10.30am Service with Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon Tessa
Sunday, 5th June – Pentecost
10.00am Queen’s Jubilee Service at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh Keith C/Keith B
10.00am Queen’s Jubilee Service at St Nicholas, Winsley Ann/Gerry/Geoff
10.30am Queen’s Jubilee Service with Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon
4.00pm Queen’s Jubilee Service at St James, South Wraxall Ann & Paul/Keith B
Sunday, 12th June – Trinity Sunday
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall, joint with MF Keith C/Keith B
10.00am Refresh at Winsley Church Hall Roy/Pippa and music group
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon Paul/Gerry
Sunday,19th June – First Sunday after Trinity
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh, joint with South Wraxall Paul/Gerry
10.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley Tessa/Harold/Vernon
Events and Notices
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Caroline Brydon (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on the 11th June
Please email any relevant contributions to Caroline at by Tuesday 7th June. You
can read the full version (4 pages) on our website at
If you would like an electronic version of NewsLink or
require a hard copy, please email or leave a message
for Caroline at the Benefice office on 01225 865046.
See page 4 for an updated list (St Nicholas and Christ
Church) of the Jubilee celebrations taking place in the
The Bells of St James, South Wraxall
The 24th May 2022 will be noted as a momentous day and even an historic date in the records of
St James’s Church, South Wraxall. That evening the full circle of six bells rang out across the
village from the 14th century bell tower for the first time for about 140 years. Matthew Higby,
whose company of bell founders and hangers in Somerset has restored the bells, organised a
trial ring.
In 2019, the Salisbury DAC Advisor on bells recommended that we restore the bells as a ringing
peal. In 1769 the four original bells (mentioned in an inventory of 1553) were recast and
augmented to a ring of six by Abraham Bilbie. Our bells are his first ring of six and the only one
outside Somerset, and are therefore considered worthy of listing as rare and important.
Everything from the tower was removed, the bells sent away and the rotten, wooden frame
replaced with a steel bell frame and fittings. We all appreciate the dedication and enthusiasm of
Christopher Thornhill in heading up this project and leading the Bells Restoration Group. Grants
and very generous donations from inside and outside the village have turned the dream into a
A group of ringers has been brought together by a local enthusiast to ring the bells before our
Jubilee service at 4:00pm on Sunday 5th June. You have been warned! Jean Atkin
The final bell being hoisted up to the belfry
Mothers’ Union Meetings
All are welcome. The meetings are at 2.30pm at Holy Trinity Church, Bradford on Avon, normally
on a Wednesday. Rosemary Rees is the parish contact on 01225 866321 if you have any
queries. The meeting dates are:
June 15th Jubilee celebration
September 21st Holy Communion and a talk by Jane Jones on Climate Change
October 19th Talk by Marlene Haffenden
November 16th Talk by Rev Tim Hawkings
December 21st Christmas Meeting
Jill Wright (01225 287786)
Queen’s Jubilee at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh
St Peter’s will be filling the church with flowers and music. Our special thanksgiving service on
Sunday 5th June will be accompanied by a ‘Crown Trail’ for children in the churchyard and
maybe a pop up cream tea if the weather holds. Come and enjoy the celebrations with us!
Rachel Exley
Queen’s Jubilee at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon
We plan to celebrate the occasion in the churchyard on Thursday 2nd June 2:00pm – 4:00pm
(please note the date change from Friday 3rd June) with an afternoon of tea, cake, quizzes,
plant and book stalls, a teddy zip wire (see page 2) children’s fun activities and other surprise
activities. We are planning to plant a tree as part of ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ to mark Her
Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. We will also be officially launching The Future for Christ Church
projects at the event. Stephen Pike
Queen’s Jubilee at St James, South Wraxall
Thursday 2nd June, 3pm onwards Everyone is invited to help decorate the church with
red, white and blue flowers, flags and bunting
Saturday 4th June 2-5 pm South Wraxall House. All invited to an afternoon of children’s
fun and games. Please bring your own afternoon tea and picnic rug, there will be tea and
soft drinks available. Dressing up encouraged, see below for more information.
Sunday 5th June 12.30 for 1pm start Road outside the church. Tables will be set up to
host ‘The Big Jubilee Lunch’.
3.30pm for 4pm start St James Church A celebration service of singing and village
memories, all welcome! 6pm at The Longs Arms – All welcome including children, to a
village party to finish off the Jubilee celebrations. For tickets, contact details and full
information on these events click here
Queen’s Jubilee at St Nicholas, Winsley
Friday 3rd June 12.00-12.15 Bell Ringing. This will form part of the national bell ringing to
mark the Jubilee Service at St Paul’s Cathedral
Friday 3 – Sunday 5 June Come and join us for a Platinum Flower Festival to
celebrate the Jubilee with flower displays and memorabilia from the Queen’s reign. The
Festival will be open:
10am-4pm Friday and Saturday – refreshments available in Church. Sunday 12-4pm
Sunday 2- 4pm Celebration Tea in the Church Hall with tea and cakes. There will also be
an opportunity for children (and creative adults) to paint a Jubilee mug to take home
Entry to the Flower Festival and Celebration Tea is free, but donations are appreciated
Sunday 5 June – Jubilee Celebration Service in St Nicholas Church with Winsley
Methodists at 10am.Representatives from Village organisations are being invited to take
part in this morning Celebration Service. It will be preceded by a procession to the church
of Cubs and Beavers with their flags
A ‘Crown Trail’ in Winsley Churchyard – Thursday 2nd June to Sunday 5th June
Linds Batson
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee