
NewsLink June 12th 2022

NewsLink Uploaded on June 13, 2022

NewsLink June 12 Final

12 June — 25 June 2022
Dear friends
I hope you were able to enjoy much of the wonderful celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
It was a real blessing, and such fun, to meet with so many people over that long weekend,
whether at the lighting of a beacon at Monkton Farleigh, at various tea parties, hearing the bells
rung for their first time officially at St James, watching my cuddly lamb descending the zip wire at
Christ Church or at our Sunday services which were so well attended. I hope you enjoy the
collection of photos of the memorable weekend that Caroline has put together for NewsLink.
Thank you so much to everyone who worked so hard to reach out to our church, village, and town
communities to make the weekend such a success. I want to share with you a poem and blessing
that was used at some of our Jubilee services that many people commented on and appreciated.
In 1939 King George VI used the following poem, given to him by his 13 year old daughter
Princess Elizabeth, in a radio broadcast. The words inspired the nation as war loomed.
“I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into
the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.’”(Minnie Louise Haskins).
So may we too, living in our own very difficult and challenging times put our hands into the hand
of God, trusting that by his spirit, he will help, guide, and support us as we journey on.
So, let us pray, may the love of the Lord Jesus draw you to himself, the power of the Lord Jesus
strengthen you in his service, the joy of the Lord Jesus fill your hearts and the blessing of God
almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.
God Bless you all
It looks as though Her Majesty may
have paid a secret visit..?
colours in a
depiction of
From flowers to ‘hats’ – pith
helmet (Treetops – top left),
tiara and Coronation hats
Beacon at Monkton Farleigh
Upcoming Services
Sunday, 12th June – Trinity Sunday
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall, joint with MF Keith C/Keith B
10.00am Refresh at Winsley Church Hall Roy/Pippa and music group
10.30am Holy Communion at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon Paul/Gerry
Sunday,19th June – First Sunday after Trinity
10.00am Holy Communion at St Peter’s, Monkton Farleigh, joint with South Wraxall Paul/Gerry
10.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley Tessa/Harold/Vernon
Sunday, 26th June
10.00am Holy Communion at St James, South Wraxall, joint with Monkton Farleigh Bernard/
Keith B
10.00am Together in Worship at St Nicholas, Winsley Tessa/Gerry/Richard
10.30am Refresh at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon. Cedric and Penny Pierce/Tricia and Music
4pm-5pm Forest Church at Christ Church, Bradford on Avon. See page 4. Tessa/Zoe
Sunday 3rd July
10.00am Benefice Service with Holy Communion at St Nicholas, Winsley. Ann/Paul/Pippa and
Music Group/Geoff
Events and Notices
Ministry Team:
Rector Rev Ann Keating
Rev Tessa Mann (309374)
LLM: Rachel Pound (862223)
Benefice Office:
Caroline Brydon (865046),
Church Wardens:
Winsley: Roy Ludlow (868779) Linds
Batson (720069)
Christ Church: Hilary and Stephen Pike
South Wraxall: Dave Wyper (865384)
Valentine Thornhill (862552)
Monkton Farleigh: Rachel and Colin
Exley: (851485)
Lay Pastoral Assistants:
Stephen Pike (782537),Denise Davies
Gill Fairhurst (867560),Daphne Cox
Elizabeth Bush (866624),James
Middleton (920564)
Children’s and Families Worker:
Zoe Yeomans –
Please ensure all contributions for each NewsLink are
emailed to Caroline at the Benefice office at by 5pm on the Tuesday
stated, otherwise your item will not make that edition.
The next edition of NewsLink wlll be on the 26th June.
Please email any relevant contributions to Caroline by
Tuesday 21st June. You can read the full version on
our website at
If you would like an electronic version of NewsLink or
require a hard copy, please email or leave a message
for Caroline at the Benefice office on 01225 865046.
A Vacancy Exists
Are you interested in being on the Board of Trustees of
a BOA Charity? If so the Mount Pleasant Centre Board
would like to hear from you. You will be working alongside Revd Ann Keating and Derek Robins as a Christ
Church Representative.
We have a monthly meeting which takes no longer than
two hours. Please contact Ann or Derek Robins on
868072 or
There is also an Open Day for the Centre and the Club
on the 18th June from 11am till 4pm.
Christian Aid Week
The collection I received from the congregation at St
Nicholas amounted to £222 plus some Gift Aid. I am
sure that many others will have donated online. Many
thanks to everyone who contributed to such a good
cause. Alison Wells
Jubilee Celebration and Fundraising Launch at Christ Church
A very enjoyable afternoon was spent celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at Christ Church
on Thursday afternoon. There was a quiz and mouse hunt as well as a cup of tea and cake
to enjoy inside the church.
Outside, there was information about our building plans for Christ Church, a raffle and a very
popular ‘teddy bear zip wire’ from a window in the Bell Tower which children (both old and
young) enjoyed watching their teddies and other animals come down and the brave cuddly
toys were given a medal to show they had taken part.
We also had a visit from our local MP Michelle Donelan who helped us plant a tree. As well as a
very successful and joyful afternoon we raised £1,000! Well done to everyone involved.
Wendy Brown and FfCC Working Group
Kettle’s On – THE place to be on
the 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings at Winsley Church Hall! Party at Monkton Farleigh
South Wraxall Celebrations…