St Peter’s is one of the 4 parishes which together with St James (South Wraxall), Christ Church (Bradford on Avon) and St Nicholas (Winsley) comprise the Benefice of North Bradford on Avon and Villages. The Benefice is in the Diocese of Salisbury Membership of PCC
The Parochial Church Council (“PCC”) is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. These latter responsibilities are executed by churchwardens or other volunteers. It also has a voice in the forms of service used by the church and may make representations to the bishop and deanery synod on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish.
The current members of St Peter’s PCC are as follows:
Incumbent: Revd Katie Jackson
Elected Members:
Church building
This stunning building is Grade 11 listed, with the oldest parts being the 12th century arched north door and the tower (thought to be 13th Century). The church was extensively rebuilt in 1844, again in 1874, and a single story extension was added to the south early in the 19th century and is now a vestry.
Original features still to be seen in the interior include two sections of linen-fold panelling (originally from a gallery on the west wall) and the Piscina and Ambry. There are many interesting memorials on the walls, and a carved wooden pulpit which may be Jacobean. There is also a carved memorial on the wall of the church for some of the dead of the two World Wars , and in the porch a wooden-framed and hand-written Roll of Honour which lists the names of eighty four casualties of World War 1. Twelve of the names on the Roll of Honour bear a mark beside them, and these are the names commemorated on the memorial inside the church. The surrounding burial ground holds many interesting and old headstones, but unfortunately many of them are now sadly indecipherable due to weathering. Read the full article here.
The facilities available in the church include a children’s area, kitchen, toilet and baby change.
A hearing induction loop is installed in the church.
Congratulations! if you are just starting to think about a church wedding! To check the legal aspects of getting married in church, and find out all about planning your ceremony please contact the rector.
Everyone is welcome to have their children christened in their parish church. During the christening service your child will be baptized and with the support of the church, you and godparents, your child begins an amazing journey of faith. All you need to know about planning a christening can be found by contacting the rector.
A funeral is used to mark the end of a person’s life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God’s keeping. These can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church.
Everyone is entitled to either a burial service (funeral) or to have their ashes buried in their local parish churchyard by their local parish priest regardless of whether they attended church or not. Speak to the rector for more information.
Regular Services
Services are normally held at 10.00 am each Sunday. On some Sundays services may be held at other churches in the Benefice so please check the notice board outside the church, pick up a copy of Newslink in the church or visit the Benefice website. Services at St Peter’s are open to everyone and families with children are especially welcome to attend. Coffee and biscuits are served after the service.
Special Services
As well as regular Sunday worship additional services are held at special times in the Christian calendar such as Christmas and Easter. A service of remembrance takes place each November when wreathes are laid at the war memorial inside the church. The annual harvest service takes place in September and is usually followed by a shared lunch. Details of all these occasions can be found on the church notice board or on the Benefice website.
Keeping in Touch
More information of activities and forthcoming events in St Peter’s and other churches in the Benefice are available
NewsLink – the Benefice newsletter, NewsLink, is published every fortnight. It can be seen on the church website. You can also subscribe to NewsLink on the church website and it will automatically be emailed to you.
Benefice website– news and information about activities in the Benefice can be found at
You can also find us on Facebook
Financial Support and Volunteering
Contact Details
The Benefice Administrator, Bridge Duncombe, is based at:
Office 2, 1a Mount Pleasant Centre, Bradford on Avon BA15 1SJ
Tel: 01225 865046
The Parish Office is open Wednesday 9.30am to 2.30pm
Other Useful Websites
Church of England
Salisbury Diocese
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